So Fresh N So Clean Set
Heart Washcloths
- Cast on 2.
- 2KFB(4sts)
- K across.
- Rows 3-37 K2, YO, K until the end. (40sts)
- K2, YO, K2Tog, K until the end. Repeat twice more.
- K2, YO, 2K2Tog, K until 20 stitches left. YO, K2Tog, K until end.
- K2, YO, 2K2Tog, K until the end.
- K2, YO, 2K2Tog, K11, K2Tog, YO, KFB (2sts), YO, 2K2Tog, K to end.
- K2, YO, K2Tog, K until the end.
- K2, YO, 2K2Tog, K9, K2Tog, YO, K4, YO, 2K2Tog, K to end.
- K2, YO, 2K2Tog, K until 18 stitches left, Put put remaining 18 stitches onto the holder.
- K2, YO, 3K2Tog, K until the end. Repeat until there are only 7 stitches left.
- 2K2Tog, YO, K2Tog, K3Tog.
- K2Tog, K1, K2Tog.
- Cast off and weave in tail.
Make a Judys Magic cast on.
- K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1 (on both sides)
- K3, M1, knit to last 3 sts, M1, K3 (on both sides)
- K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1 (on both sides)
- K3, M1, knit to last 3 sts, M1, K3 (on both sides)
- Knit all sts on both sides on both sides.
- K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1 (on both sides)
- K3, M1, knit to last 3 sts, M1, K3 (on both sides)
- Knit all sts on both sides on both sides.
- K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1 (on both sides)
- K3, M1, knit to last 3 sts, M1, K3 (on both sides)
- Repeat 8-10 twice more.
- Knit all sts on both sides on both sides.
- Knit all sts on both sides on both sides.
- K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1 (on both sides) Place marker.
- 4 rounds of each color twice.
- 4 rounds of ecru from marker.
- Begin rib stitch until doubled in length.
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